Monday, July 1, 2024

It’s All Jesus

πŸ€” Ahhh, it feels like a writing day.  You know me, I get all this stuff inside and it bubbles right out of my fingertips.  There is no holding it in.  And I love sharing it with all of you who get this.  I’ve led many, many women groups and whether they are the  “in person” groups or the online ones, there is one thing that holds true with every, every study and that is we are all alike in many, many ways while also being quite different.  We all desire to be loved and cared about.  We all are very aware of our sins and don’t want to sin.  We all know that it is ALL JESUS and without Him are sins are not forgiven.  We all recognize how we need each other to love, support and pray for and we all love God’s Word.  I’m so thankful the Lord brings His children together and connects our Spirits as His children.

Out walking today singing praises and praying there are all these different lyrics running through my heart and mind that reminded me of how truly GREAT He is and how this journey is hard and joyful for everyone…..But….HE IS GOD and He’s got us………..

🎡 ✝️ God is relentless in His pursuit of us…….

🎡✝️ Only He is worthy…….

🎡✝️ I will praise you in this storm……

🎡✝️ It’s just like Jesus to give me strength when I need   it

🎡✝️Only He is worthy……….

🎡✝️ I get down on my knees many days and pray come Lord Jesus….let today be the day.

🎡✝️ Joyful, Joyful we adore thee…….

This past weekend at Bible class our Pastor talked about just resting at the foot of the cross and just letting ourselves be who we are.  In essence he was talking about us wearing masks to hide our true selves.  So often, we walk around with these phony smiles on our faces uttering the words….”I’m fine!” Those who know me know that I talk about this A LOT.  We can’t have real Christian friendships without being REAL and that means sharing our weaknesses.  Those who know me, know me well…..Jesus loves me and I love Him……I carry around a deep seated Joy because I belong to Jesus………I struggle with depression at times………..I have a little bit of social anxiety……..I love being home with my people………I’m happiest when I can sit with a Christian sister(s) or brother(s) and just talk about this journey with our loving Father (my absolute favorite thing to do) I’m a foodie and love sugar (can you say ADDICTED)….I love dogs (especially mine)…….I can get caught up in gossip……..I can think of myself more highly than I ought (forgive me Lord)……AND the list could go on and on.   But, yet, Jesus loves me.  Bizarre!  

Man, I’m thankful.  Thankful for my Christian family and friends.  I’m thankful God has given me the gift of sharing His love with others.  I’m thankful I have others to hold me up when I need holding up.  I’m thankful for those in my life who speak Truth to me and remind me always of God’s relentless love.  I’m thankful for when I do not trust God and have doubts about Him, He comes to me in Word and Sacrament and reminds me, ‘Mary Jo…you are MINE.  You are My forgiven child’ (Just WOW!). I’m thankful the weight of the world is not mine to carry.  Jesus says to me (and to you too) - “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. Seriously, can you think of a more wonderful request from Jesus?  He says, “come to me and I will give you rest.”  Jesus will carry our burden and we CAN rest in Him.  “Be still and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10

Christian family and friends…..”real” people……”real” feelings……The Joy of the Lord……strengths and weaknesses….it’s who we are….EACH of us and EACH of us are loved in the most INCREDIBLE, UNFATHOMABLE way….by Jesus who died for us and rose again.

Praise the Lord. 

Monday, September 11, 2023

What Matters Most

 Do you ever sit back and think ….. is this it?  Do you ever wonder what’s next? Do you remember 9/11/2021 and how you felt?

Some days (many days actually), the older I get I realize how unimportant most everything is.  Really!  In the blink of an eye all could be gone and will be one day.  For those who died on 9/11/2021 and for those whose lives were forever changed on that day, never in their wildest dreams could they have imagined this would happen.  But it did! 

As we listen to the many reports from 9/11 one thing we’ve heard a lot is that many of those who died called or sent a text to their loved ones beforehand to say “I love you!”  Also, another report I’ve heard a lot is that many of those who were waiting to be rescued (and most never could be) prayed to God.  I heard no reports of people asking how much money they had, or if their “toys” would be safe.  We didn’t hear those reports because I’m sure no one said that.  Why? Because those things don’t matter.

In Psalm 39:5(b) King David says, - “Everyone is but a breath, even those who seem secure.”

And also in Psalm 39:7 we read … “But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you.”

There is only one thing that matters and that is knowing where your salvation comes from.  Jesus is the Savior of the world and He died for our sins and rose again on the third day conquering death and the grave. Believing in Jesus and putting your faith and trust in Him is what matters.  By believing in your Savior Jesus we will go from this life to Eternal life with Him.  Now THAT matters.

God….our family and serving the Lord is truly all that matters.

These are just a few of my thoughts from 9/11/2021 and again today as I am reminded of what is truly important.

Friday, August 11, 2023

Fix Your Eyes

 πŸ‘‡A friend shared this verse this morning and it really got me thinking.

πŸ€”Think about it - really think about - 

πŸ‘‰”The years of our life are seventy, or even by reason of strength eighty; yet their span is but toil and trouble; they are soon gone, and we fly away.” Psalm 90:10

🩷 Of course some have passed away much sooner but as I think on this and the undo stress and worry I put upon myself many days of my life I see here what a true waste of time that is.  I have one goal - one hope - Heaven!  My hope is not a “boy I hope I get to Heaven” kind of hope but the confident Hope I have because Jesus made the way for me to go to Heaven - by His death on the cross and His rising again.  There is a saying we’ve all heard, “to keep your eyes on the prize.”  To better state this though I’ll share what Hebrews 12:2 tells us:

🩷”Fixing our eyes on Jesus, the Author and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him He endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”

‼️Now that right there deserves my attention and obedience.  Fix my eyes on Jesus.   

🩷 As Psalm 90:10 also rightly shares, “our life is but toil and trouble and they are soon gone.” Praise God.  Not because our lives are full of much toil and trouble (and many good things) but because they will soon be gone.  This life is a blip in the ocean compared to Eternity.  

🩷Let us fix our eyes on Jesus - let us walk in His truth - let us love the “brothers” (and sisters) - let us abide in Christ and He will abide with us.  

‼️Here today, gone tomorrow as it were - quite literally!

🩷I am reminded to not waste today on anything but serving Christ wherever that may be.  In my home - in my family - in my community and with my Words.  I am reminded to not waste my time worrying about things that in the end truly don’t matter.  Love matters most and in the words of John 3:16 we read the ultimate gift of love…..”For God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that whosoever believes in Him shall not perish but have Eternal Life.”

Monday, June 19, 2023

New Mercies

“God’s mercies are new every morning” Lamentations

Every morning…..every day…..He gives us new mercies.  Receive them.  They are a free gift.  Live in the Light of Him….walk with Him.  His way is the best way.  Love those around you.  Look to others before self.  Serve with a glad heart because you are loved by your Savior, Jesus, who died a sinners death….the one we deserve….and yet He never sinned.

Compassion…..from Him to us always.  May we give that compassion away freely just as we freely receive.

“The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases;

his mercies never come to an end;

they are new every morning;

great is your faithfulness.”  Lamentations 3: 22-23




Wednesday, June 7, 2023

The Journey And The Blessings June 2023

 It’s been 18 years since my life changed.  I know, I know, I share this every year around this time but I share it because it is that important to me.  You see, without going through all that I did I wouldn’t be the Mary Jo I am today.  There is nothing spectacular about me at all BUT God living in me and teaching me all He has taught me is VERY SPECTACULAR and it makes me a very happy and thankful person.  And sharing what I know is true about God and life is something I will always be committed to until my dying breath.

Eighteen years ago I took a phone call with words that changed my life forever.  I was told I had cancer and it was very aggressive and invasive.  I was home alone when I took that call.   I prayed to God in a way I never had prayed before.  I sat down….I looked up….and I said, “Lord, I don’t know what I’m about to go through but please use all I will go through for your Glory.”  That was it.  Short, simple and from a heart that was in shock, afraid and very sad.  You see, in all honesty, I thought I was going to die.  In our family, (my mom’s side) all first born daughters had passed away before the age of 50.  My mom passed at age 47.  Her mom in her early 40’s and her mom in her 40’s also.  I was next - or so I believed.  Me being the first born daughter in this generation, I was quite certain breast cancer would be the way I would die.

My thoughts were very scattered.  My life.  My God.  My Eternal Home.  Could I live as a child of God, with peace, going through what I was about to go through?  Could I still proclaim God was so very good as chemo wracked my body and my hair fell out?  And the worst thought of all was, could I still really talk about Jesus with others with the JOY I had always had for Him?  I wanted to but I wasn’t quite sure about it because I surely wasn’t feeling all too joyful towards God. But I really wanted others to see that EVEN IF my life wasn’t what I wanted it to be, my God was still EVERYTHING I knew He was BUT I was struggling with it a little bit also.  You see, my mom died of cancer at age 47 and I was very specific in my prayers to God that I did NOT want Him to allow cancer to touch me.  As a matter of fact I remember quite specifically praying that “He could give me anything else but not that.”  Oh the arrogance of my prayers, right?  Like I know better than God what my life should look like.  I’m happy He didn’t listen to my prayers.  

As those beginning days began to take shape….appointment on top of appointment, surgery scheduled, a chemo plan put into place, etc., this prayer became a prayer I prayed fervently……… “Oh Lord, please help me live well during this time of struggle and if I will die from this cancer, help me to also die well with praises for You always being on my lips.  Let others see that my love for you is not based on my circumstances but is based on Your love for me no matter what my life looks like.”  I wanted this more than anything else.

Fast forward to today…..God is good.  He walked with me then and He walks with me now. Walking through that “valley” time, God was with me.  He brought me out of that “valley” time but He did not bring me out the same person.  He brought me out a changed person - a person who was transformed by the power of God and His Word which sustained me through many, many dark days.   I spent many hours on my knees in prayer and I was stripped bare (quite literally) and this was a most special and blessed time for me. I am not saying it was easy time,  I’m saying it was a special and blessed time even through many tears.  It was what I needed to come face to face with my life, my mortality and things I struggled with back then.  God taught me the truly important lessons and I am so thankful.  I’ve learned what matters most.  I’ve learned that loving one another is so important because life is so very short.  Quit picking at each other and finding fault with everyone else - my goodness, who do we think we are?  I’ve learned to live each day as if it were your last and EACH day you are given you should live following God who loves you more than anyone else.  I’ve learned how to look at this life differently.  It’s important, yes, but not as important of what comes after this life.  We have work to do while we are here - sharing the Gospel and serving others.  As I get further and further out from that time in my life I have to often remind myself of the many lessons I’ve learned and this is one of the reasons I write this annual letter.  It’s good for me and it brings Glory to God.

I will end with a special song of Praise - 

“Praise God from whom all blessings flow; Praise Him all creatures here below; Praise Him above the heavenly hosts; Praise Father, Son and Holy Ghost.”


Wednesday, May 27, 2020


I haven’t written a blog post in a while and I usually don’t write one until I “feel” filled up inside with lots of words that need to come out.  Today is that day.

My heart and mind are full.  Full of words...full of Joy and full of so many thank you moments.  In this world that is crazy and unprecedented during this COVID time, I am joyful.  I am not joyful over sickness, death and sadness.  I am not joyful because so many have lost jobs and there is so much uncertainty.  I am not joyful that houses of Worship have been closed because of COVID spreading.  None of these things bring joy to me.  I see fighting amongst friends in the name of politics and I see fighting amongst politicians on who is right and who is wrong.  Nope, doesn’t me bring joy at all.

As we walk through this uncertain time, I remind myself that COVID or not, nothing on this side of Heaven is ever certain.  Nothing.  This “time” is just another reminder that uncertainty exists for us all.  “Here today, gone tomorrow,” as it were.  I am reminded  in the Book of Job, that “the Lord gave and the Lord has taken away, blessed be the Name of the Lord.”  (Job 1:21 ESV).  Am I joyful when uncertainty exists?  Am I joyful when the Lord has “taken away” from me?  No, I’m not.  At least as far as earthly joy goes.  But I am joyful.  Joyful because I know who is Sovereign over it all.  I am joyful because whatever uncertainty comes my way I have a Savior who never changes.  He is always the same, yesterday, today and forever (Hebrews 13:8 ESV). He reminds me, in His Word, that this certainly is not the end of the story.  He reminds me, in His Word, that I have a job to do.....we all have a job to do.  We need to proclaim the Gospel to the ends of the earth and “love our neighbor as ourself.” (Matthew 22:39). We need to share the joy of having a Savior who died for our sins and rose again on the third day.  We need to share the hope that is only found in Him .  He, Jesus, is our Peace.  (Ephesians 2:14).   This brings me brings me brings certainty to my heart.

As I think on these last few months and the totally different way of life that has existed in some shape or form for us all, I can think of so many reasons to be thankful.  Technology has brought us together in ways we never could have imagined.  Worship and Bible study could still happen.  Different, yes, but it happened nonetheless.  “Nothing can separate us from the love of Christ” (Romans 8:38 ESV) - no nothing.  Where the Word exists, there He is.  I am reminded, in that certain Word, that my God is surprised by nothing.   “God works for the good of those who love Him and were called according to His purpose.”  (Romans 8:28 ESV).   Our God is faithful and His plan is perfect.  Through death, sickness, job loss or any other calamity, my God...our here.  The world can take from me what it will, but no one can take my Jesus from me.  My salvation and hope is in Him and Him alone and this brings my heart joy.

I am thankful that God’s Word touches hearts and brings people to Him.  His Word, it is transforming and  “never returns void - always accomplishing what it was purposed to do.” (Isaiah 55:11 ESV).  If I have nothing at all....nothing...yet have Jesus, I have everything.

I pray His Word touches you and your heart.  Let Him in... “He stands at the door and knocks.” (Rev. 3:20 ESV). This is only temporary.  Our pain and our sadness will end.  One day, every tear will be wiped off of our faces  and there will be no more sickness, death, sadness or mourning.  (Rev. 21:4 ESV)

This world.....beautiful and ugly.  This world....uncertain with a certain future. This world brings me joy because I am not “of this world” but just journeying through.

Yes, I have joy and I thank God, for giving me “the peace which passes all understanding.” (Phil. 4:7 ESV). Trust Him with your life and your circumstances.  You can.  He is faithful and just to do everything and all for His Glory.

Tuesday, March 31, 2020

Covid19 Thoughts Continued

I think it’s 2 weeks now that we’ve been in lockdown 😳 or isoloation or whatever the heck you want to call it.  At first I couldn’t even believe this Covid-19 was really happening and our world literally was shutting down.  Now, 2 weeks later, I believe it but there are still days I can’t wrap my head around it all.  Today, being one of those days.

I find myself often looking up to the Heavens and asking God questions.  Questions like.....”Would you please give us ears to hear and eyes to see what it is you want us to “get” from this?”  I also find myself saying often, “Lord what are you saying to us?”

I have no doubt the Lord is speaking....not even a little doubt!   Why do I know this?  Because I know that the Lord is among us.  I know that He is control of the entire universe and nothing...happens that He is not aware of.  God allows what God allows for HIS purposes and His plan.  And, as a child of God, I know ...yes I know...that His plan is always good.

You may be thinking, ‘how in the word could any of this be good?’  The only way ANY of this could be good is if it is drawing us closer to God.  Because as I have learned and continue to learn in my 60 years of life is that God is the only One who can satisfy our hurting souls....the only One who can satisfy our hurting world.

I, like the rest of you, don’t understand any of this.  Only God knows why.  As I sit here this morning, my heart is at peace because I know God holds me AND you all in the palms of His Hand.  I know He is calling us all to come to Him because He loves us.

Reflecting on these words from Zephaniah 3:17 this morning bring me peace and hope.  I pray, as I type, that they also bring you the same.

“The Lord your God is in your midst; A Mighty One who will save;  He will rejoice over you with gladness; He will quiet you by His love; He will exult over you with loud singing.”