Sitting and listening to the snow/rain pellets whipping up against the windows. Soft Scripture lullabies playing around me. Lyrics whispering, "let not your hearts be troubled, do not be afraid, just believe in me for I have overcome the world." As the winds howl and I sit here thinking about all that is in the world, it would be so easy to let my heart become troubled.
As this Christmas season winds down, I sit and contemplate all that God did for us. He sent His Son, our Savior, to be born in a stable. Such a humble birth for an infant King. Our Savior King, Jesus. He came so our hearts would not ever have to be troubled or fear that which goes on around us.
When I sit here in the quiet, safely inside our home, I feel His beautiful love and care. He, who conquered death and the grave. He who lives forever in Heaven. He who has prepared a home their for each of us who believe. He conquered this world. I can proudly speak His Word which says "in God I trust and am not afraid. What can man do to me." Psalm 56:11
As 2015 winds down, I am reminded of His faithfulness. Troubles are all around us. People we love are taken away, but, this is not the end. We, His children, are simply here on our journey that He has planned for each of us. When this journey is through, He will call us Home. We have nothing to fear.
The year 2016 will soon be upon us. Only God knows what this year will hold for us. If we sit and think about all that could be, we surely could become overwhelmed with many emotions. My prayer is that each of us would simply trust the One who holds our future. We have no reason to fear. We only have reason to rejoice. Our Savior lives. Our Savior has a forever Home prepared for those who believe in Him as their Savior. He will take those who believe in Him to live in perfect peace, perfect love and perfect rest in our Heavenly Home.
"For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son that to whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16
Monday, December 28, 2015
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Comfort That Isn't Comfortable!!
Thinking today about comfort. For me there are two kinds of comfort. There is the comfort that I love...the ordinary. The kind where I don't have to reach outside of my comfort zone. Then there is the comfort that God pushes me to. The kind where I don't really want to go BUT it is a place I am comfortable with as well.
Of course, like with a lot of things of God, that doesn't appear to make sense. But, it makes perfect sense. You see, I think most of us would say that the ordinary comfort is what we love most. Why? Because it is easy. Because it is what we know. That kind of comfort is the kind we simply sit back and give no thought to. It is is what we is almost always the kind of comfort where we are with those who make us most comfortable.
Then there is the kind of comfort God pushes us to. I say "pushes" us to because it really does take a push, in essence, to get us moving forward. God is always with us leading us along, but, we also must pay attention to what He is doing.
Our whole life is a journey with God. A journey He places us on upon our birth and a journey He knows all about. His Word tells us in Psalm 139:16 that, "all the days ordained for us were written in His book before one came to be." He knows exactly where we are going. He knows exactly what choices we will make....right ones and wrong ones. Through them all He is with us continually teaching us. In Romans 8:28 we read that "all things work together for good for those who love Him and were called according to His purpose." God can, and does, use the circumstances of our life to grow us stronger in give us more strength in Him and to use us for His purposes and plan. You see, even those horrible times in our lives, God is working for our good. We absolutely may never know why we must go through what we do, but we only have to know that He knows why and not only SHOULD we trust Him (that sounds hard) we CAN trust Him (that sounds easy). We CAN because God is a loving God. In Jeremiah 29:11 our God tells us this...."I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord.... "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." We would all agree that our God does not lie. This is what He says so we CAN trust Him.
Looking back over the course of my journey, I can see the error of MANY of my ways. I can see the wrong choices I've made MANY times. However, I can also see how God has never left me. I can see how His Hand has been upon me and has been at work in my life. Saying that, I will also say that I can recall the times I have turned my back on God because I was sure He wasn't with me. I was sure He couldn't be "working good" in my life because everything was falling apart in my life. But, looking back I can see that I may have turned my back on Him but HE NEVER LEFT ME. He continually used what I was going through to "grow me up" in Him. He was always their pointing me to His Word where He speaks to us. And through all of this, I can see how He literally has been "pushing" me to get out of my comfort zone and rest in a new comfort. The kind of comfort that truly does bring my heart the most joy but the kind where we have to literally get out there and "do" and THAT is never comfortable. Not only isn't it comfortable but it is scary and would be way easier to go back to the "ordinary."
As I am learning to trust Him and His Hand on my life, He is "pushing" me to new places. It is a comfort that isn't comfortable. It's a comfort that I love. It's a comfort that brings me great joy. It's comfortable to sit back and soak up His love, sing praises and pray. But what good is such joy when we hold it in for ourselves. God says, "go!" "Ummmm," no, that's ok God...I'm fine right here," I say.
Sometimes, when we look back, we are able to see how God has been preparing us. The "prepping" usually isn't the fun part of doing something but finally being able to "do" whatever it is, is good. God has been prepping me, as He is you, all along and as comfortable as staying in the ordinary is, I am finding that the uncomfortable place is comfortable too. Even their, God is with me. Even their He continues to strengthen me and guide me along. This journey isn't about me at all but in bringing Glory to Him. As I muddle along, feeling like a "nobody" God says this in Matthew 6:33...."Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well." He gives me strength. He tells me I am loved and I am somebody in Him. And also, in Psalm 37:4 He says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." I love that because He knows the desires of my heart and your heart too. When we "seek Him first" and "make Him our delight" He gives us what it is we need and want most. That "desire" is Him and more and more of Him.
So as I leave the ordinary comfort for that comfort that isn't always comfortable, I will continue to "seek Him" and "make Him my delight" and I know He will give me that strength, peace and comfort He promises.
Of course, like with a lot of things of God, that doesn't appear to make sense. But, it makes perfect sense. You see, I think most of us would say that the ordinary comfort is what we love most. Why? Because it is easy. Because it is what we know. That kind of comfort is the kind we simply sit back and give no thought to. It is is what we is almost always the kind of comfort where we are with those who make us most comfortable.
Then there is the kind of comfort God pushes us to. I say "pushes" us to because it really does take a push, in essence, to get us moving forward. God is always with us leading us along, but, we also must pay attention to what He is doing.
Our whole life is a journey with God. A journey He places us on upon our birth and a journey He knows all about. His Word tells us in Psalm 139:16 that, "all the days ordained for us were written in His book before one came to be." He knows exactly where we are going. He knows exactly what choices we will make....right ones and wrong ones. Through them all He is with us continually teaching us. In Romans 8:28 we read that "all things work together for good for those who love Him and were called according to His purpose." God can, and does, use the circumstances of our life to grow us stronger in give us more strength in Him and to use us for His purposes and plan. You see, even those horrible times in our lives, God is working for our good. We absolutely may never know why we must go through what we do, but we only have to know that He knows why and not only SHOULD we trust Him (that sounds hard) we CAN trust Him (that sounds easy). We CAN because God is a loving God. In Jeremiah 29:11 our God tells us this...."I know the plans I have for you," declares the Lord.... "Plans to prosper you and not to harm you. Plans to give you hope and a future." We would all agree that our God does not lie. This is what He says so we CAN trust Him.
Looking back over the course of my journey, I can see the error of MANY of my ways. I can see the wrong choices I've made MANY times. However, I can also see how God has never left me. I can see how His Hand has been upon me and has been at work in my life. Saying that, I will also say that I can recall the times I have turned my back on God because I was sure He wasn't with me. I was sure He couldn't be "working good" in my life because everything was falling apart in my life. But, looking back I can see that I may have turned my back on Him but HE NEVER LEFT ME. He continually used what I was going through to "grow me up" in Him. He was always their pointing me to His Word where He speaks to us. And through all of this, I can see how He literally has been "pushing" me to get out of my comfort zone and rest in a new comfort. The kind of comfort that truly does bring my heart the most joy but the kind where we have to literally get out there and "do" and THAT is never comfortable. Not only isn't it comfortable but it is scary and would be way easier to go back to the "ordinary."
As I am learning to trust Him and His Hand on my life, He is "pushing" me to new places. It is a comfort that isn't comfortable. It's a comfort that I love. It's a comfort that brings me great joy. It's comfortable to sit back and soak up His love, sing praises and pray. But what good is such joy when we hold it in for ourselves. God says, "go!" "Ummmm," no, that's ok God...I'm fine right here," I say.
Sometimes, when we look back, we are able to see how God has been preparing us. The "prepping" usually isn't the fun part of doing something but finally being able to "do" whatever it is, is good. God has been prepping me, as He is you, all along and as comfortable as staying in the ordinary is, I am finding that the uncomfortable place is comfortable too. Even their, God is with me. Even their He continues to strengthen me and guide me along. This journey isn't about me at all but in bringing Glory to Him. As I muddle along, feeling like a "nobody" God says this in Matthew 6:33...."Seek first His Kingdom and His righteousness and all these things will be added to you as well." He gives me strength. He tells me I am loved and I am somebody in Him. And also, in Psalm 37:4 He says, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." I love that because He knows the desires of my heart and your heart too. When we "seek Him first" and "make Him our delight" He gives us what it is we need and want most. That "desire" is Him and more and more of Him.
So as I leave the ordinary comfort for that comfort that isn't always comfortable, I will continue to "seek Him" and "make Him my delight" and I know He will give me that strength, peace and comfort He promises.
Saturday, August 8, 2015
I get to the point where my heart overflows with so much inside. It's not always good. It's often all jumbled. But, the desires, the reaching, and the constant longings that I feel keep building up and pouring over inside of me. It's something I can't really explain but my heart gets to a point of overflowing, where my fingers need to release it in words.
The overflowing that occurs, is my longing to be closer to God. The overflowing is my hearts longing to "draw close" and to RELEASE THOSE THINGS I STRUGGLE WITH here on my journey.....conflicts among us, the gossips, the back stabbing, the "I'm a better....(fill in the blank) than you, the "live for number 1" mantra, the unkind words and that lack of devotion to that which is most important. I am pointing my finger at no one. I'm pointing the finger at me. I am part of the world and the struggles I face are mine and mine to deal with.
Also though, my heart overflows with a LOVE FOR GOD AND HIS WORD that constantly pricks my heart.....constantly begs me to want MORE OF HIM. I overflow with JOY AND HAPPY when I am immersed in all things GOOD.....all things JESUS.
I long for a heart that is simply at rest. I long for a heart that truly finds her enough in Jesus. I long for a heart that says, I need nothing but Jesus. I long for a heart that truly lives a life of service to others and can leave my selfish ambitions, my pride, my vanity and my striving, at the foot of the cross. Jesus, has me in His Hands. I know this. His Word tells me in Psalm 139:16 that, "all the days ordained for me were written in His book before one came to be." Yes, BEFORE ONE CAME TO BE. He knows me (and you) that intimately. He knows all our thoughts before we speak a word. He knew all I'd struggle with. He knows my vanity, my pride, my selfish ambition and the striving I would have in my heart to know Him more and more.
What do I strive for? What do I seek after? My heart is always longing for more of Jesus. My heart is constantly striving for His beautiful peace and rest that He longs to give give each of us. Sadly, all to often, I let the world and all it TRIES to give me be what I strive for. It's in the things that I THINK will give me ultimate satisfaction.....the thoughts that go something like this..."if I could be disciplined enough to eat right......if I were thinner......if I wouldn't be greedy.......if I wouldn't worry about this or that.......IF, IF IF, ....THEN.....I would be really happy....really at peace!!
His Word tells us in Jeremiah 29:13, "you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." I trust that and believe He is leading me closer and closer to Him as I seek Him with all my heart . As I rest in all His Word says to me, I see that He is leading me each day closer to when finally my heart will stop striving for all that with which my heart seeks after. You see, my heart is searching after Heaven and all that Heaven offers us. Eternal rest......Eternal peace and Eternal joy. Their, I will finally be "filled up" with ALL my heart longs for. The PERFECT peace and rest I believe we all desire. For now, as I live in this "tent," this, sinful flesh, I will continue to "seek after" Him always, but also, my sinful flesh will also be tempted to believe that other things can fill that which my heart longs for.
My "insides" are so filled up with all the overflows from my heart. My heart knows and rejoices in my Savior who has given to me His Spirit...that "Comforter" that is always reminding me of what is truly blessing. That "Comforter" that is always leading me along and teaching me. Philippians 3:12 speaks to all my overflowing and longing......"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me." Until that time, my heart will continue to OVERFLOW with all that is in their. It OVERFLOWS with so much happiness but also OVERFLOWS with rest and also is very OVERFLOWS with peace and it also longs for peace.
I will continue to "press on" and as Hebrews 12:2 so perfectly proclaims...."Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
The overflowing that occurs, is my longing to be closer to God. The overflowing is my hearts longing to "draw close" and to RELEASE THOSE THINGS I STRUGGLE WITH here on my journey.....conflicts among us, the gossips, the back stabbing, the "I'm a better....(fill in the blank) than you, the "live for number 1" mantra, the unkind words and that lack of devotion to that which is most important. I am pointing my finger at no one. I'm pointing the finger at me. I am part of the world and the struggles I face are mine and mine to deal with.
Also though, my heart overflows with a LOVE FOR GOD AND HIS WORD that constantly pricks my heart.....constantly begs me to want MORE OF HIM. I overflow with JOY AND HAPPY when I am immersed in all things GOOD.....all things JESUS.
I long for a heart that is simply at rest. I long for a heart that truly finds her enough in Jesus. I long for a heart that says, I need nothing but Jesus. I long for a heart that truly lives a life of service to others and can leave my selfish ambitions, my pride, my vanity and my striving, at the foot of the cross. Jesus, has me in His Hands. I know this. His Word tells me in Psalm 139:16 that, "all the days ordained for me were written in His book before one came to be." Yes, BEFORE ONE CAME TO BE. He knows me (and you) that intimately. He knows all our thoughts before we speak a word. He knew all I'd struggle with. He knows my vanity, my pride, my selfish ambition and the striving I would have in my heart to know Him more and more.
What do I strive for? What do I seek after? My heart is always longing for more of Jesus. My heart is constantly striving for His beautiful peace and rest that He longs to give give each of us. Sadly, all to often, I let the world and all it TRIES to give me be what I strive for. It's in the things that I THINK will give me ultimate satisfaction.....the thoughts that go something like this..."if I could be disciplined enough to eat right......if I were thinner......if I wouldn't be greedy.......if I wouldn't worry about this or that.......IF, IF IF, ....THEN.....I would be really happy....really at peace!!
His Word tells us in Jeremiah 29:13, "you will seek me and find me when you seek me with all your heart." I trust that and believe He is leading me closer and closer to Him as I seek Him with all my heart . As I rest in all His Word says to me, I see that He is leading me each day closer to when finally my heart will stop striving for all that with which my heart seeks after. You see, my heart is searching after Heaven and all that Heaven offers us. Eternal rest......Eternal peace and Eternal joy. Their, I will finally be "filled up" with ALL my heart longs for. The PERFECT peace and rest I believe we all desire. For now, as I live in this "tent," this, sinful flesh, I will continue to "seek after" Him always, but also, my sinful flesh will also be tempted to believe that other things can fill that which my heart longs for.
My "insides" are so filled up with all the overflows from my heart. My heart knows and rejoices in my Savior who has given to me His Spirit...that "Comforter" that is always reminding me of what is truly blessing. That "Comforter" that is always leading me along and teaching me. Philippians 3:12 speaks to all my overflowing and longing......"Not that I have already obtained all this, or have already arrived at my goal, but I press on to take hold of that for which Christ Jesus took hold of me." Until that time, my heart will continue to OVERFLOW with all that is in their. It OVERFLOWS with so much happiness but also OVERFLOWS with rest and also is very OVERFLOWS with peace and it also longs for peace.
I will continue to "press on" and as Hebrews 12:2 so perfectly proclaims...."Let us fix our eyes on Jesus, the author and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy set before Him endured the cross, scorning its shame, and and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.
Sunday, July 19, 2015
Blessings Abound
Life is a journey that takes many twists and turns. We often experience mountain top highs but we also experience many valley lows. Do blessings abound in both places?
Our natural inclination would be to say real blessing comes when life is good, when everyone is getting along, when we are treated with love and there are no problems. Oh how blessed we feel at those times. Often though, it's in those times, we don't acknowledge the "blessing" and take what we've been given with no regard to the Giver. Taking it all for granted, as it were.
I have learned in my own life, that it's almost always in those deep valley's that I'm blessed beyond measure. It's in those times that I realize or should say, remember, who the Giver of all good things is. But, what is "good?" Is "good" when life is the way we expect it be? Is "good" when we have everything we want? Or is "good" when we accept from the Hand of God what He gives us in that day?
Trusting God and believing He is a faithful God is easy when God's Hand of blessing is upon us and life is good. However, trusting God and believing He is a faithful God is not so easy when what comes our way is not exactly what we would call "good!"
"The Lord directs a persons steps. Who are we to understand His ways?" Proverbs 20:24. I don't know about you, but knowing the Lord is directing my steps helps me better to trust in Him. I don't necessarily see the "good" but I do know that He is a good and faithful God so trusting Him as He leads me is easier when I remember that.
I have found that when I focus on the blessings that abound in my life, I can truly see the Hand of God on this life He gives. When I count my blessings and name them I can truly "see" faithfulness and love. Even when life is hard, I can look and find blessings and then name them. A curtain blowing in the breeze, the sunrise and the beauty God gives, a grandchild's hug, a refrigerator with food in it, a pillow to lay my head on, ....and the list can go on and on.
I have found that this truth in Job 1:21, "the Lord gives and the Lord takes away" is what has to be central in my mind and heart. His ways are not for me to understand but His blessings abound all over my life and I have to always be looking for them. When I pay attention and stop taking for granted all He does in love, the blessings truly do abound and they are everywhere.
I am so very thankful and even when I don't understand, I can trust our God because I know He is faithful. Even when that which doesn't look like 'good' comes my way. What I see as 'good' quite possibly is the worst thing I could want for. God sees the whole picture. I don't.
So, as He gives and blessings abound in my life, I will trust our good God that gives. He is faithful and He has a perfect plan for my life. What that all entails, I don't know, BUT, He does.
Our natural inclination would be to say real blessing comes when life is good, when everyone is getting along, when we are treated with love and there are no problems. Oh how blessed we feel at those times. Often though, it's in those times, we don't acknowledge the "blessing" and take what we've been given with no regard to the Giver. Taking it all for granted, as it were.
I have learned in my own life, that it's almost always in those deep valley's that I'm blessed beyond measure. It's in those times that I realize or should say, remember, who the Giver of all good things is. But, what is "good?" Is "good" when life is the way we expect it be? Is "good" when we have everything we want? Or is "good" when we accept from the Hand of God what He gives us in that day?
Trusting God and believing He is a faithful God is easy when God's Hand of blessing is upon us and life is good. However, trusting God and believing He is a faithful God is not so easy when what comes our way is not exactly what we would call "good!"
"The Lord directs a persons steps. Who are we to understand His ways?" Proverbs 20:24. I don't know about you, but knowing the Lord is directing my steps helps me better to trust in Him. I don't necessarily see the "good" but I do know that He is a good and faithful God so trusting Him as He leads me is easier when I remember that.
I have found that when I focus on the blessings that abound in my life, I can truly see the Hand of God on this life He gives. When I count my blessings and name them I can truly "see" faithfulness and love. Even when life is hard, I can look and find blessings and then name them. A curtain blowing in the breeze, the sunrise and the beauty God gives, a grandchild's hug, a refrigerator with food in it, a pillow to lay my head on, ....and the list can go on and on.
I have found that this truth in Job 1:21, "the Lord gives and the Lord takes away" is what has to be central in my mind and heart. His ways are not for me to understand but His blessings abound all over my life and I have to always be looking for them. When I pay attention and stop taking for granted all He does in love, the blessings truly do abound and they are everywhere.
I am so very thankful and even when I don't understand, I can trust our God because I know He is faithful. Even when that which doesn't look like 'good' comes my way. What I see as 'good' quite possibly is the worst thing I could want for. God sees the whole picture. I don't.
So, as He gives and blessings abound in my life, I will trust our good God that gives. He is faithful and He has a perfect plan for my life. What that all entails, I don't know, BUT, He does.
A dream. A prayer. An emptiness and loneliness that was hard to explain. Feeling insecure and yet knowing that I belonged to God, but always feeling this emptiness, loneliness and yes, even depression. My prayer was always that God would lead me to real contentment and peace. True peace and contentment that is only found in Him. But, how to get that? I didn't know. And, so begins my story.When I was 28 years old, I lost my mom to cancer. She was 47 years old when she died of pancreas cancer and I watched her suffer greatly and it left a mark on my heart and I knew this was not something I ever wanted. I would often pray and ask God to please never allow cancer to touch my life. I would plead and say, "please God, anything but that." I was confident that He would never allow cancer to come into my body. After all, I loved God so much. I knew He loved me and He knew that living my life to please Him was something I always tried to do. I mean, my "doing" and trying to live a good life should mean something, right? God knew my heart. He knew, despite my sins, how much I loved Him so I truly believed that I could "control" this part of my life because it is what I wanted and God would honor that.Although I didn't know it, then, this chapter of my life was God beginning to fulfill my dream, my prayer and desire to be rid of the loneliness, emptiness and sadness that occupied many of my days throughout most of the years of my life. God was preparing me for what was coming in my life. He was preparing me for the hardest and most fearful days of my life.Proverbs 20:24 says, "A person's steps are directed by the LORD. How then can anyone understand their own way?" Also, Proverbs 3: 5-6 says, "Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding." Oh, how I pray each of you reading these words would believe the words our Lord speaks to us. He does not lie and His words are truth. Only God can cause "all things to work together for good for those who love Him and are called according to His purpose." Romans 8:28.Ten years ago, God allowed what I had pleaded with Him to never allow. The date was June 23, 2005. I went in for a biopsy of my right breast and although I was probably naïve and arrogant I truly NEVER BELIEVED anything would be wrong with me. After all, I prayed and asked God to never let it be. I was in control of this, so I had nothing to fear. Even the radiologist doing the biopsy said to me, "if I was a bettin' man I would say there is a 99 percent chance this is nothing." I laughed a little and said, "oh, I have no doubt there is nothing wrong with me. I am fine." I was told I would here from my doctor in about a week with the results. The next day, my husband went on motorcycle ride for the day, and I decided to do some thrift store shopping. When I left the first thrift store, I got into my car and turned on the radio. Joyce Meyer was talking and all I remember her saying was this, "whatever is going to happen today you can handle it with God's help." I heard that and immediately knew I had breast cancer. I believe God wanted me to hear this first before I got the phone call. I ignored what I "felt" and continued bumming for a few more hours. When I got home my answering machine was blinking. I just knew it was my doctor. I pressed "play" and I heard, "Hi Mary Jo. This is Dr. Martin. Please call me when you get this." I thought, "why is he calling me?" "It has only been 24 hours and they told me a week." I immediately called his office, and when I told the receptionist who I was she said she would get the doctor. When he came on the line, I said hello and asked him how he was. He said, "I am fine, but Mary Jo, I am so sorry to tell you this, but you have invasive ductal cell carcinoma." BREAST CANCER! I was so scared that I could hardly talk. I was shaking and couldn't even cry. I was so very scared and was home alone. When I hung up the phone I just stood in the middle of the living room. I eventually walked into our spare bedroom and sat on the bed. All I remember is looking up to the heavens and saying, "Lord, if I ever needed you I need you now. Lord, I have no idea what I am about to go through and no idea what your plan is for my life, but I ask that You would please use all I will go through for your Glory."
June 24, 2005 was when the journey began. The year and half that followed included, a double mastectomy, chemo, baldness, radiation and many, many tears. I was on my knees more days that I can count pleading with God to help me with the worry and sadness my heart felt. Although I don't remember much of this journey, the journey itself is very real to me and my words today could never truly express the thankfulness I have everyday in my heart for what God knew was best for me. You see, God took what I feared most, and used it to bring me my dream....the dream of living with God's peace in my heart. The dream of truly believing that yes, Jesus loves me. Yes, He is all I need. This journey is just that, a journey that is leading us Home to Heaven. You see, for all of my life, I loved God and always felt a "pull" on my heart for Him, but I looked for my security and happiness in my husband, my children, my controlling things my way, and in "doing" all those things I thought God wanted of me to "show" how much I loved Him and for Him to honor all those things I asked of Him because I tried to do all I thought He wanted.You see, this really isn't my story, it is God's. God showed me His love in allowing what I needed in my life to be brought to my knees and simply trusting that He had my life in His Hand's and He had a plan for my life. Yes, He did know my heart and He knew that the only way I could experience true peace - that "peace that passes all understanding" was when I surrendered all my "doing" and fears and gave that all over to Him. God gave me His peace when I read this verse..."all the days ordained for me were written in Your book before one came to be." Psalm 139:16. He knew my life from the beginning. He knew all that would come upon me. He is my God. Nothing surprises Him and no matter what I was going through each day through this journey, He knew. He was with me and He will be with me until the end.This journey, not only changed my life and gave me that peace and contentment I was praying for. I became a very thankful person and never take a day for granted. God has used my life since cancer to bring His love to others in need of Jesus. It truly has been amazing and ONLY GOD could do all that He has done through me.I now look at the thing that caused me the most fear...CANCER as my biggest and best blessing. It has changed my life in every way and all for the better. I praise God for His sovereignty and the love He has for us all. We may not understand His ways, but His Word also tells us that... "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. Isaiah 55:8. You see, He can be trusted. He is a God of love.
Sunday, February 22, 2015
Oh Lord, truly, I love it when You "prick" my heart and mind with Your Words. When Your commands touch me and remind me of what You ask of me. Quite literally, what You command me. --- "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." John 13:34. I'm so thankful when Your Word sparks a fire in my soul. Who am I that I would not love another? Who am I that I would think you were talking to everyone but me? Who am I to think I can judge one another and decide who is worth love and who isn't?
Your command to "love one another" sounds simple. Go out and love those who are friends. Go out and love those in my family. Go out and love those who make me feel good. Oh Lord......if only! If only everyone was my friend. If only everyone in my family agreed we me. If only everyone made me feel good. If only!
Oh Lord truly, I hate it when you "prick" my heart and mind with Your Words. When Your commands touch me and remind me of what You ask of me. Quite literally, what You command me.--- "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." John 13:34.
My heart is "pricked" this morning because He is commanding me to "love one another as He has loved me." My heart is reminded that He isn't calling me to ONLY love those who are my friends and make me feel good BUT to "love one another as He has loved me." Oh Lord, truly I hate that. I do. It's too hard. I am to love those who aren't nice to me? I am to love those who I find not as "good" as me? I am to love those who I feel I have the right to judge? I am to love those who don't look like I think they should look? I am to love those who are smelly and embarrassing? Really, Lord, I am to love them too?
Again, He "pricks" my heart with Him saying to me....."who do you think you are?" "Are you perfect?" "Did I, Jesus, die for only you?" "Are not all people my creation?" "Is my Salvation only for those that measure up to your standards?" Oh Lord, thank you for showing me that I am nothing but a sinner who often thinks of herself as better than someone else. You aren't calling me to "love one another" when I feel like it. You aren't calling me to "love one another" if I feel they are worthy of love. You aren't calling me to "love one another" only on the days I want too. No. Even when it's hard (especially then) you ask me to "love" in Jesus' Name.
Your Word also tells me in Romans 12:3 this, "For by the grace given me I say to every one of you: Do not think of yourself more highly than you ought, but rather think of yourself with sober judgment, in accordance with the faith God has distributed to each of you."
His Word....such a beautiful "place" to be. His Word is truth. God doesn't lie. (Ephesians 1:13 & Numbers 23:19) Although, many times I hate the things God tells me, it isn't because I hate His's because He "pricks" my heart to remind me of my sins. His Word reminds me of how desperately I need a Savior. God knows that when I live in His love and His truths, my life will be blessed. Blessed with His peace and forgiveness.
Jesus said, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 38: 31-32. Yes, His Word. His beautiful Word has the power to set us free. I may hate some of what He tells me but that's only because my sinful nature doesn't want to be reminded of what I don't want to hear. Yet, He knows that His Word of truth is what will bring me my best life. Not at all meaning that life will be perfect, BUT, my heart will be full of His promises and His truths and it's that Word that will keep me strong until that day when He calls me Home.
Jesus, my Savior, has set me free. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16.
Your command to "love one another" sounds simple. Go out and love those who are friends. Go out and love those in my family. Go out and love those who make me feel good. Oh Lord......if only! If only everyone was my friend. If only everyone in my family agreed we me. If only everyone made me feel good. If only!
Oh Lord truly, I hate it when you "prick" my heart and mind with Your Words. When Your commands touch me and remind me of what You ask of me. Quite literally, what You command me.--- "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another: just as I have loved you, you also are to love one another." John 13:34.
My heart is "pricked" this morning because He is commanding me to "love one another as He has loved me." My heart is reminded that He isn't calling me to ONLY love those who are my friends and make me feel good BUT to "love one another as He has loved me." Oh Lord, truly I hate that. I do. It's too hard. I am to love those who aren't nice to me? I am to love those who I find not as "good" as me? I am to love those who I feel I have the right to judge? I am to love those who don't look like I think they should look? I am to love those who are smelly and embarrassing? Really, Lord, I am to love them too?
Again, He "pricks" my heart with Him saying to me....."who do you think you are?" "Are you perfect?" "Did I, Jesus, die for only you?" "Are not all people my creation?" "Is my Salvation only for those that measure up to your standards?" Oh Lord, thank you for showing me that I am nothing but a sinner who often thinks of herself as better than someone else. You aren't calling me to "love one another" when I feel like it. You aren't calling me to "love one another" if I feel they are worthy of love. You aren't calling me to "love one another" only on the days I want too. No. Even when it's hard (especially then) you ask me to "love" in Jesus' Name.
His Word....such a beautiful "place" to be. His Word is truth. God doesn't lie. (Ephesians 1:13 & Numbers 23:19) Although, many times I hate the things God tells me, it isn't because I hate His's because He "pricks" my heart to remind me of my sins. His Word reminds me of how desperately I need a Savior. God knows that when I live in His love and His truths, my life will be blessed. Blessed with His peace and forgiveness.
Jesus said, “If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” John 38: 31-32. Yes, His Word. His beautiful Word has the power to set us free. I may hate some of what He tells me but that's only because my sinful nature doesn't want to be reminded of what I don't want to hear. Yet, He knows that His Word of truth is what will bring me my best life. Not at all meaning that life will be perfect, BUT, my heart will be full of His promises and His truths and it's that Word that will keep me strong until that day when He calls me Home.
Jesus, my Savior, has set me free. "For God so loved the world that He gave His one and only Son that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life." John 3:16.
Sunday, January 11, 2015
"Teach Us To Number Our Days...."
"Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should." Psalm 90:12
A friend shared this verse with me yesterday at work. I've read it many times in the Psalms but yesterday when I read it again, it "spoke" to me in a new way. As is typical when we read His Word, many verses we've read on numerous occasions, speak to us differently depending on where we are on the journey He has placed us on.
"Chaotic!" Most definitely how I would describe MANY, MANY things our world is experiencing. The chaos could absolutely overwhelm you if you let it. God is using this time to teach me many things. He teaches me to be thankful for "Who" I belong too. Everything can be taken from me, but no one can take my God from me. He teaches me to be thankful for "today." "Today" is enough for now. He teaches me to simply trust Him. "Simply" ----ya, ok!! :-) That isn't too easy Lord, but a task I strive to achieve...with YOUR help! He reminds me how uncomplicated and simple life can be if we focus on the most important things and let the worldly stuff take a backseat. Lastly, but most importantly, He teaches me that no matter how bad things may matter how bad things appear and no matter how bad things may become, He, our Savior, has already won the victory for me....for all of us.
Today the birds are singing, the sun is shining and our God reigns. That in and of itself brings tremendous thankfulness and is more than enough for today.
"Teach us to number our days...." thank you Lord for that great reminder.
A friend shared this verse with me yesterday at work. I've read it many times in the Psalms but yesterday when I read it again, it "spoke" to me in a new way. As is typical when we read His Word, many verses we've read on numerous occasions, speak to us differently depending on where we are on the journey He has placed us on.
"Chaotic!" Most definitely how I would describe MANY, MANY things our world is experiencing. The chaos could absolutely overwhelm you if you let it. God is using this time to teach me many things. He teaches me to be thankful for "Who" I belong too. Everything can be taken from me, but no one can take my God from me. He teaches me to be thankful for "today." "Today" is enough for now. He teaches me to simply trust Him. "Simply" ----ya, ok!! :-) That isn't too easy Lord, but a task I strive to achieve...with YOUR help! He reminds me how uncomplicated and simple life can be if we focus on the most important things and let the worldly stuff take a backseat. Lastly, but most importantly, He teaches me that no matter how bad things may matter how bad things appear and no matter how bad things may become, He, our Savior, has already won the victory for me....for all of us.
Today the birds are singing, the sun is shining and our God reigns. That in and of itself brings tremendous thankfulness and is more than enough for today.
"Teach us to number our days...." thank you Lord for that great reminder.
"Let The Little Children Come To Me..." Matthew 19:14
That verse holds a new and different meaning in my life since I went to Kenya to work with One Child Matters. Our precious grandchildren and the children of the world. ALL loved by Jesus and ALL held in the highest regard. They are so innocent. I feel blessed to have my children and grandchildren around me. I feel blessed to be able to share Jesus with my grandchildren. I feel blessed that my "children" love their Lord and teach their children of His love. I also feel blessed that I am able to share Jesus with children who live half way around the world and that I was personally able to witness all the good that comes from those who bring "Jesus" to them. Child Sponsorship does WONDERS for children. I saw it first hand. It was quite humbling to say the least.
We are all God's children and even through all that weighs us down in this life, we have a responsibility to reach out in love to all children (even the BIG ones). I am so thankful for all that God has taught me. All the love He's shown me and the love He has allowed me to share with all the special little people (and big people) in my life.
"Jesus loves the little children....all the children of the and yellow, black and white, they are special in His sight....Jesus loves the little children of the world."
We are all God's children and even through all that weighs us down in this life, we have a responsibility to reach out in love to all children (even the BIG ones). I am so thankful for all that God has taught me. All the love He's shown me and the love He has allowed me to share with all the special little people (and big people) in my life.
"Jesus loves the little children....all the children of the and yellow, black and white, they are special in His sight....Jesus loves the little children of the world."
Thursday, January 8, 2015
The Best Is Yet To Come.
Oh the lessons we learn as we journey through this life. Lessons are not usually learned when life is good but normally while we go through the tough stuff. And, tough stuff is never fun stuff.
Thinking through the week and the many difficulties I witnessed so many go through, opens my heart to what really matters. The things I often focus on and see as important usually aren't.
Our lives are simply gifts from God. Grace. He "places" us here to serve Him. To love others for Him. To share His message of Salvation because God wants ALL to be saved and share in eternal life. (1 Timothy 2:4 ) That's it. Our loved ones....GIFTS. All He gives....GRACE.
I can spend so much time fretting over things that don't matter. Such a waste of time and a waste of the Gifts He gives me. I can live in peace, all the while trusting AND believing, that God cares for me. He is leading me Home and He has a plan for my life.
The difficulties people face remind me that the best is yet to come. It's sad while we are here and focus on the here and now. Often it feels lonely and dark but then, I think of Heaven and what awaits us....... Jesus! Seeing Him face to face. Then there are the loved ones that have gone before us. The reunions will be so awesome. Some day a new Heaven and a new Earth. (Revelation 21:1) Yep....the BEST IS YET TO COME.
Thinking through the week and the many difficulties I witnessed so many go through, opens my heart to what really matters. The things I often focus on and see as important usually aren't.
Our lives are simply gifts from God. Grace. He "places" us here to serve Him. To love others for Him. To share His message of Salvation because God wants ALL to be saved and share in eternal life. (1 Timothy 2:4 ) That's it. Our loved ones....GIFTS. All He gives....GRACE.
I can spend so much time fretting over things that don't matter. Such a waste of time and a waste of the Gifts He gives me. I can live in peace, all the while trusting AND believing, that God cares for me. He is leading me Home and He has a plan for my life.
The difficulties people face remind me that the best is yet to come. It's sad while we are here and focus on the here and now. Often it feels lonely and dark but then, I think of Heaven and what awaits us....... Jesus! Seeing Him face to face. Then there are the loved ones that have gone before us. The reunions will be so awesome. Some day a new Heaven and a new Earth. (Revelation 21:1) Yep....the BEST IS YET TO COME.
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