Every year since 2005 I think I have posted about June, of 2005...the year my life changed FOREVER. However, often times the post is seen more as a “sympathy” post instead of how I mean for the post to be seen. Hence, the reason why I wasn’t sure if I was going to post this year.
This morning I was thinking about it and thought, yes, I will post it. The reason my life changed in 2005 is really not important. What is important is focusing on God’s truth and promises.
Fourteen years ago....my life changed forever. It was an extremely hard time in my life. Emotionally I had a very hard time grappling with it. I was depressed, anxious and afraid. Very afraid. BUT GOD!
For those who know me, know that my faith in God and love for His Word are who I am...who HE CREATED me to be, however, what you may not know is how my happiness and joy in the here and now was my focus. Not just my happiness but those in my life. I made it my goal and when life wasn’t what I thought it should be my world was rocked. I felt sad and that it was my fault because I am “not good” at living this life God has called me to live. So my everyday I focused on being everything to everybody. BUT GOD!
Then God ROCKED MY WORLD. He allowed a tragedy (as I saw it) to TOUCH ME. Why God? You know I love you? I don’t want this..I want good and happy! BUT GOD!
“For I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord.” Jeremiah 29:11. “All the ways ordained for me were written in His book before one came to be.” Ps. 139:16. “For we know that in all things, God works for the good of those who love Him and were called according to His purposes.” Romans 8:28. Oh yes......my God took a tragedy and turned it into MY BLESSING. Why? I am so underserving. It wasn’t because of ME at all. NOT AT ALL. It’s because He loves me enough to use me to share His LOVE which brings GLORY TO HIM. I’ve learned this journey is just that....a JOURNEY which is leading us HOME...to our ETERNAL HOME to live with our SAVIOR FOREVER. It’s not about us or our happiness at all. It’s not about me being anything but a child of God. To live in His love and to please only One....my God. It’s only about the happiness we have in Jesus. To live in light of Eternity. To rejoice regardless of where God has us because His ways are always good. Ohhhh, they surely may not seem good...and from an earthly perspective surely are not...BUT GOD! He can and does use ALL for our good. To bring us where we need to be....AT THE FEET OF JESUS.
If my life could do just one thing...to point others to Christ Jesus, our Lord and Savior....that would be more than enough. If my heart and life could impress upon just one person the JOY in following hard after Jesus, I would be so very happy. The journey SURELY isn't always filled with JOY, however, your heart will have more joy than you ever could have imagined because when we are ABIDING in Him we can only be filled with love and joy. I pray that all who read this blog post would immerse yourselves in His Word ~ the Bible. It is God speaking to us. It is TRUTH. It brings peace and comfort. It is filled up with God's MANY, MANY PROMISES to His children and those PROMISES are TRUTHS. It is in those truths we find our JOY AND PEACE.
Thank You Jesus for 2005. Thank You for loving ME and walking with me every step of the way on my journey that YOU have walked BEFORE ME. When all seemed hopeless and scary....YOU God took what appeared awful and turned it into a redemptive story.