Do you ever sit back and think ….. is this it? Do you ever wonder what’s next? Do you remember 9/11/2021 and how you felt?
Some days (many days actually), the older I get I realize how unimportant most everything is. Really! In the blink of an eye all could be gone and will be one day. For those who died on 9/11/2021 and for those whose lives were forever changed on that day, never in their wildest dreams could they have imagined this would happen. But it did!
As we listen to the many reports from 9/11 one thing we’ve heard a lot is that many of those who died called or sent a text to their loved ones beforehand to say “I love you!” Also, another report I’ve heard a lot is that many of those who were waiting to be rescued (and most never could be) prayed to God. I heard no reports of people asking how much money they had, or if their “toys” would be safe. We didn’t hear those reports because I’m sure no one said that. Why? Because those things don’t matter.
In Psalm 39:5(b) King David says, - “Everyone is but a breath, even those who seem secure.”
And also in Psalm 39:7 we read … “But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you.”
There is only one thing that matters and that is knowing where your salvation comes from. Jesus is the Savior of the world and He died for our sins and rose again on the third day conquering death and the grave. Believing in Jesus and putting your faith and trust in Him is what matters. By believing in your Savior Jesus we will go from this life to Eternal life with Him. Now THAT matters.
God….our family and serving the Lord is truly all that matters.
These are just a few of my thoughts from 9/11/2021 and again today as I am reminded of what is truly important.