Monday, July 1, 2024

It’s All Jesus

🤔 Ahhh, it feels like a writing day.  You know me, I get all this stuff inside and it bubbles right out of my fingertips.  There is no holding it in.  And I love sharing it with all of you who get this.  I’ve led many, many women groups and whether they are the  “in person” groups or the online ones, there is one thing that holds true with every, every study and that is we are all alike in many, many ways while also being quite different.  We all desire to be loved and cared about.  We all are very aware of our sins and don’t want to sin.  We all know that it is ALL JESUS and without Him are sins are not forgiven.  We all recognize how we need each other to love, support and pray for and we all love God’s Word.  I’m so thankful the Lord brings His children together and connects our Spirits as His children.

Out walking today singing praises and praying there are all these different lyrics running through my heart and mind that reminded me of how truly GREAT He is and how this journey is hard and joyful for everyone…..But….HE IS GOD and He’s got us………..

🎵 ✝️ God is relentless in His pursuit of us…….

🎵✝️ Only He is worthy…….

🎵✝️ I will praise you in this storm……

🎵✝️ It’s just like Jesus to give me strength when I need   it

🎵✝️Only He is worthy……….

🎵✝️ I get down on my knees many days and pray come Lord Jesus….let today be the day.

🎵✝️ Joyful, Joyful we adore thee…….

This past weekend at Bible class our Pastor talked about just resting at the foot of the cross and just letting ourselves be who we are.  In essence he was talking about us wearing masks to hide our true selves.  So often, we walk around with these phony smiles on our faces uttering the words….”I’m fine!” Those who know me know that I talk about this A LOT.  We can’t have real Christian friendships without being REAL and that means sharing our weaknesses.  Those who know me, know me well…..Jesus loves me and I love Him……I carry around a deep seated Joy because I belong to Jesus………I struggle with depression at times………..I have a little bit of social anxiety……..I love being home with my people………I’m happiest when I can sit with a Christian sister(s) or brother(s) and just talk about this journey with our loving Father (my absolute favorite thing to do) I’m a foodie and love sugar (can you say ADDICTED)….I love dogs (especially mine)…….I can get caught up in gossip……..I can think of myself more highly than I ought (forgive me Lord)……AND the list could go on and on.   But, yet, Jesus loves me.  Bizarre!  

Man, I’m thankful.  Thankful for my Christian family and friends.  I’m thankful God has given me the gift of sharing His love with others.  I’m thankful I have others to hold me up when I need holding up.  I’m thankful for those in my life who speak Truth to me and remind me always of God’s relentless love.  I’m thankful for when I do not trust God and have doubts about Him, He comes to me in Word and Sacrament and reminds me, ‘Mary Jo…you are MINE.  You are My forgiven child’ (Just WOW!). I’m thankful the weight of the world is not mine to carry.  Jesus says to me (and to you too) - “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28. Seriously, can you think of a more wonderful request from Jesus?  He says, “come to me and I will give you rest.”  Jesus will carry our burden and we CAN rest in Him.  “Be still and know that I am God.”  Psalm 46:10

Christian family and friends…..”real” people……”real” feelings……The Joy of the Lord……strengths and weaknesses….it’s who we are….EACH of us and EACH of us are loved in the most INCREDIBLE, UNFATHOMABLE way….by Jesus who died for us and rose again.

Praise the Lord.