On this rainy, Tuesday morning, I find myself in a contemplative state of mind! I feel so blessed to have this time to simply sit. Or better stated, to "be still" in the presence of God. This is where I find my peace and contentment. His Word touches me in a way nothing else does. His Word brings a balm of sorts ~ a healing ~ a joy....but mostly, it brings me reminders of where my real joy comes from.
Life brings so many things to us! We wander and often times are confused and at a loss as to what this journey is about and where it is leading. Yes, there is love and happiness here but there is definitely other emotions that riddle our journey ~ sadness, loneliness, fear, and uncertainty. These aren't just emotions we feel, but these are things we live with while walking this journey. ..... Not to mention, all the evil that surrounds us. This journey is not for naught. It truly is a journey where we are being led and it has a definite purpose. When the purpose has been fulfilled, the journey will end and we will cease to exist here on earth. We can't understand not existing because this is all we know. The evil around us is absolutely prevalent and hearing of it day after day (some days hour and after hour) truly reminds my heart of how I long for THAT DAY when sadness, loneliness, fear, uncertainty and evil will no longer exist.
It's so easy to latch on to whatever brings us happiness or love, comfort or a momentary peace, but those things will always disappoint us and leave us empty. Always. My mind thinks of food and how we often turn to it for our "happy" or our "comfort!" Then there are the "things" we think bring us happiness. They do, for a bit, but they too lose their lustre as it were. I think of how social media is running rampant. Social Media is a huge part of our lives. It can be good, yes, but it can also lead us down a road of comparison, jealousy, envy and tons of other emotions...none of which are good! I think that is becoming the place of acceptance and/or acknowledgement for many of us. I don't think we were meant to "live" in a place where everyone knows everyone's business. I think taking care of our own "business" is tiring enough, much less concerning ourselves with everyone else's. God wants for Him to be my "first love." He wants me to go to Him for my acknowledgement and acceptance because He knows that it is only in Him that I can be truly satisfied. He wants me to spend my time loving others and thinking less of me because He knows when I take my eyes off of me and love others that is when I will be truly happy.
Ahhhh, my contemplative state! My heart is full of so many things. My heart...always searching and
seeking. God is teaching me that "seeking Him first" is the best place to go. Him first. He is teaching me that living in peace and quietness is where my heart finds rest and a Spirit of contentment. He is teaching me that "the joy of the Lord is my strength." He is teaching me that we are on this journey to serve and love. After all, it is all about Him and not about us at all!
This life ~ our life ~ will cease to exist here. And this journey we are on is so very short. The Bible
instructs us to learn to "number our days" and that our "lives are simply a vapor." My heart longs for that "Day" when my life will forever exist in Heaven because then, and only then, will all those longing I have in my heart be fulfilled.
As I sit this morning, and am still ~ I can't help but be so thankful that God's gift of Eternal life is just that....a GIFT. Bought and paid for by our Savior Jesus. My sins of yesterday, today and the ones I have yet to do, FORGIVEN. Jesus suffered and died for me and for you. There is nothing we can do to earn our way into Heaven....and thank God for that because what could I ever do that would be good enough? He only asks one thing of us....that we "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and we will be saved." (John 3:16). So simple...so easy.....it almost sounds unbelievable. But, oh my friends, it is true.
Oh, the joys that fill my heart and mind as God reminds me of "Who" it is I live for and why. We live to serve others and share the Gospel message. That message that brings peace and hope to us. As I find my joy in Him, He blesses me with His peace. All that riddles my journey ~ our journey ~ are temporary. The sadness and strife will end, and the joys we experience here are only a foretaste of what it will be like in Heaven.
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