Monday, December 28, 2015

No Reason To Fear

Sitting and listening to the snow/rain pellets whipping up against the windows.  Soft Scripture lullabies playing around me.  Lyrics whispering, "let not your hearts be troubled, do not be afraid, just believe in me for I have overcome the world."  As the winds howl and I sit here thinking about all that is in the world, it would be so easy to let my heart become troubled. 

As this Christmas season winds down, I sit and contemplate all that God did for us.  He sent His Son, our Savior, to be born in a stable.  Such a humble birth for an infant King.  Our Savior King, Jesus.  He came so our hearts would not ever have to be troubled or fear that which goes on around us. 

When I sit here in the quiet, safely inside our home, I feel His beautiful love and care.  He, who conquered death and the grave.  He who lives forever in Heaven.  He who has prepared a home their for each of us who believe.    He conquered this world.   I can proudly speak His Word which says "in God I trust and am not afraid.  What can man do to me."  Psalm 56:11

As 2015 winds down, I am reminded of His faithfulness.  Troubles are all around us.  People we love are taken away, but, this is not the end.  We, His children, are simply here on our journey that He has planned for each of us.  When this journey is through, He will call us Home.  We have nothing to fear. 

The year 2016 will soon be upon us.  Only God knows what this year will hold for us.  If we sit and think about all that could be, we surely could become overwhelmed with many emotions.  My prayer is that each of us would simply trust the One who holds our future.  We have no reason to fear.  We only have reason to rejoice.  Our Savior lives.  Our Savior has a forever Home prepared for those who believe in Him as their Savior.   He will take those who believe in Him to live in perfect peace, perfect love and perfect rest in our Heavenly Home.

"For God so loved the world that He gave His One and Only Son that to whoever believes in Him will not perish but have eternal life."  John 3:16

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