Saturday, July 2, 2016

Freedom and Love

So much has happened in the last few days. Sudden change.  Sadness hitting families in ways that you can only understand if you are them.  As one sits back and "watches" and is simply quiet, sadly, you can hear all around you how life goes on without a thought.  We nastily judge each other and obviously, think of ourselves as "better than" - if not, than why do we do it?  You see families ripped apart by the "better than" mentality and it's all so very sad.  Comparing ourselves to others and talking behind each other's back. The only reason we could possibly justify doing this is to make our insecure selves look better.

This life isn't a dress rehearsal.  This is it.  I pray that making the most of the life we are given would be a priority to us all.  That loving one another would be something God would impress upon our hearts because in the end, love is all that matters.  I pray we would love those God has put in our life, if for no other reason, than because they are God's child too.

Hug and love each other as if today is your last day with them.  Because, truly, you never know, it just might be.

Happy Independence Day.  Many have fought and died for our freedom.  The Lord Jesus died for our freedom from sin and death.  Those who believe in that will live on for eternity.  Let's not take for granted these blessings we are given.

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