Sunday, January 11, 2015

"Teach Us To Number Our Days...."

"Teach us to number our days and recognize how few they are; help us to spend them as we should."  Psalm 90:12

A friend shared this verse with me yesterday at work.  I've read it many times in the Psalms but yesterday when I read it again, it "spoke" to me in a new way.  As is typical when we read His Word, many verses we've read on numerous occasions, speak to us differently depending on where we are on the journey He has placed us on. 

"Chaotic!"  Most definitely how I would describe MANY, MANY things our world is experiencing.  The chaos could absolutely overwhelm you if you let it.  God is using this time to teach me many things.  He teaches me to be thankful for "Who" I belong too.  Everything can be taken from me, but no one can take my God from me.  He teaches me to be thankful for "today."  "Today" is enough for now.  He teaches me to simply trust Him.  "Simply" ----ya, ok!! :-)  That isn't too easy Lord, but a task I strive to achieve...with YOUR help!  He reminds me how uncomplicated and simple life can be if we focus on the most important things and let the worldly stuff take a backseat.  Lastly, but most importantly, He teaches me that no  matter how bad things may matter how bad things  appear and no matter how bad things may become, He, our Savior, has already won the victory for me....for all of us.

Today the birds are singing, the sun is shining and our God reigns.  That in and of itself brings tremendous thankfulness and is more than enough for today.

"Teach us to number our days...." thank you Lord for that great reminder.

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