Sunday, September 18, 2016


Listening to all the clamor around me, I scream......STOP.....why do you say this?  People critical of everyone and everything.  Why?  Because they think they are better than others?  Because they are insecure?  Because they are unhappy people?  I wonder.

Then I start talking and what do I say?  I become critical of others and everything.  Why?  Because I think I am better than others?  Because I am insecure?  Because I am unhappy?  It makes me wonder.

Of course, if I am bad mouthing another I must think I am better, right?  Otherwise, why would I do it?  Am I insecure?  I must be if criticizing another is the road I choose to walk down.  Am I unhappy?  If I was happy, would I feel the need to tear down another in order to lift myself up??

Oh, the heart.  How easy it is to listen to a good sermon and think......boy,  I wish "so and so" was here to hear this.  WHAT?  Is the Word only for others to hear?   What about me?  Isn't the Word for me?  Is it my job to be someone else's keeper and find their faults?   What about my own?  Ohhh, I have so many and yet, tearing down someone else is where I often venture as a way to make myself look better.

In 1Thessalonians 4:11 it says, "to aspire to live quietly, and to mind your own affairs...". Oh, how my heart wants to live this way.  I desire to live a life of love.  To live a life where I never "think more highly of myself than I ought."  (Romans 12:3). Aren't I casting judgement upon myself when I look at others with  judgement?  

Don't we all know those who appear to know everything?  They can quote the Bible, chapter and verse, and yet, as you are talking to them all you hear coming out of their mouth is judgement.  They appear to "know" it all, but "love" seems to be missing.  Am I not as guilty?  Jesus' second greatest command is "to love your neighbor as yourself."  Who then is my neighbor?  Is Jesus telling me to love only those who agree with everything I say?  Is Jesus telling me to love only those who love everything He says?  Is Jesus telling me to love only those who love me?  Is Jesus telling me to look down on certain people and only to love those that I DEEM AS LOVABLE?  Of course the answer is no to everyone of these questions and YET it is easy to live in this way.  Isn't it?

I become so angry, deep in my heart, when I hear and see others treat people in these ways.  I then turn around and cast my judgement upon them.....critizing them for "not loving" in the Name of Jesus and feeling the need to share my judgement with others.  After all, we shouldn't do that.  Right?''

Oh, my, I think I need to preach to my own choir.  I need to live a simpler and quiet life and not concern myself with others faults, and take care of my own.  Jesus tells ME to "love my neighbor as myself."  Jesus tells ME that "if I judge others I WILL BE JUDGED."  Jesus tells ME to live a "simple and quiet life, minding MY OWN business.

I am so thankful that I am forgiven for my many sins.  God's GRACE ... His undeserved freely given to me.  I accept His free Gift of Grace and in turn, it is my responsibility to give that same Grace to everyone else. It isn't pretty when we "throw stones." Not only does it hurt the one we are throwing them at, but it hurts the one who is throwing them.  Who are we ... who am I ... to think I can judge another? 

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